Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So, I'm writing this from the air force base here in Yokota. See, when M's go out of the country, we don't get to stay in our apartment. Therefore, we got host families. I stayed with a very nice Japanese lady for 5 days. The most interesting thing was that I had fish/seaweed for breakfast :) I am very grateful for the fact that I was taken out of my comfort zone for a few days and placed smack dab in the middle of Japanese culture. Now, I'm staying with an amazing young couple on the Yokota air force base right outside of Tokyo. Definitely already had reverse culture shock here from their grocery store and taco bell! haha


Father is still doing great things here. As of yesterday, we have another new sister. C-san is such a wonderful and sweet natured person and I think she'll have a huge impact. Father is definitely moving in her life. A week and a half ago, I was asked to attend a Bible Study with my m mentor and a friend of hers. We ended up having my teammate and her friend that she had met come along as well. I was sitting there pr-ing my guts out for both of these people. Then I heard H-san say that He was now our brother. Then I looked up and R-san had teary eyes saying that she believed. That same day, J-san became our brother. 3 people in one day. And many divine appointments that day as well. Just a glimpse of the glorious things Father is doing here.

I know this is a small update, but I'm going to get better, I think, and post more soon. Love you all.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Mountains Being Moved

The picture with a few of us on the roof is our Campus BIble Study.
The picture with a group of us at night is with some friends we went and sang karaoke with.
The picture of me in the midst of billions of people is actually my neighborhood, which has the busiest intersection in the whole world.
Finally, the picture with me and 2 girls is with Mai and Manami. 2 of the greatest friends I could want :)

Wow. So yes, I know I have been promising a new blog for a few days now, so I'm sorry it's taken a while.

First up, I'm sure whoever is reading this heard about the stabbing incident. If not, here ya go:
This tragedy definitely shows the sense of urgency here in Japan. The killer just said that he was sick of life. Unfortunately, that mindset is not uncommon here, but crimes like these are very rare. Akihabara is an area of town that we all travel to in and out, especially when we need electronics. I wanted to spend some time with the Lord on the train, so I went there by myself about a week ago. I was so caught up in trying to find my new charger that I did not even think about using it as a ministry site since it wasn't my job that day. However, I'm reminded because of this that I do need to be alert at all times, seeking out those to talk to instead of waiting for them to talk to me when I'm not on the "schedule."

Anyways, prior to this event, mountains have been moving. I started my focus ministry: Asia U. God has flooded us with divine appointments there. The CBU team that is a group of singers is here and on Friday they were able to have such an impact. It was so encouraging and we were overwhelemd with the open hearts the students had. Also, we have started a Bible study on campus and so far there is a good response. Additionally, it has been a dream come true in the fact that I have been using music here as a way to reach people. They like a lot of the bands I listen to, so it's definitely opened doors. Oh, being a diehard internationally has only sparked my passion for what I do. For what God does through the Diehards.

Thursday I ended up at S University because of the rain. I met a girl there who wanted to know more about the Lord and has been probably the most open person that I have met. Her family is Buddhist, so she is. But she knew nothing. She's amazed tha tmy faith is based on my choosing, not my family's. She wants to meet up again so bad, which is great.

I went out with some new friends Friday and had a great time. One of my friends seems to be more open to hearing and such because of the Akihabara incident. Pray that this will be a time that we can really share because of the tragedy.

FINALLY, HUGE news. Last week it rained and we were not able to take our teams to the park like we were supposed to. So, we went to malls. ONe of our teams met a girl there and 2 of my teammates have been trying to meet with her since. Schedules kept getting messed up and it didn't seem like they would meet soon.Last night, a few of us were at Wendy's talking about how undeserving we are to be here when my roommate Anna walked in. She was so excited, saying, Bethany let's go, T wants to meet and she's in Shibuya now! (Shibuya=neighborhood). Last night they were stil not back to our apt. so I began to pray more. Then I heard many squeals from the hall way. T-san is now our new sister.

GOd is changing this land. And how amazing that I'm seeing a glimpse of His glory shinging here and Him showing off.

I love you all.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Sister!

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for your prayers.

So, today we went to Yoyogi Park and it was amazing. For the second day in a row, I got to hang out with 2 of my best friends ever: Mai and Manami. More on them later. And then today we were at the park together and we were singing worship songs in the midst of all this different noise. Next to where we were, one of my teammates saw a lady sitting and handed her a skittle. Some of my teammates ended up talking to her and she ended up going to dinner with us. We got split up and it ended up eventually being my teammate Stephanie and her alone, and M wanted to know more about the Bible. So they went out. I had no idea that they were studying the Bible til a few hours later, so Amanda and I started to pray for them. About an hour after that, Stephanie walks in and said: "She became a Christian!" SO, we have a new sister here in Tokyo who is eager to share with her friends. And she's getting baptized in a river here. Praise Father for His power to save! How amazing that He is changing this land! The light IS coming!

About M&M, they are the two girls I met last summer. They truly have become some of the greatest friends I could ask for and it has been amazing to spend the weekend with them. I am so grateful that Father has allowed us to get only closer after I went back to the states last summer. These girls may just become my sisters one day as well...:) :) :)

Anyways, I'm going to go rest, but praise to the God of this City.

Love you all!