Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jesus is Better

Here's a Japan story. I do remember blogging about staying at Yokota Airforce Base in Japan while our m's were out of the country this past summer. At this point, I had been in Japan just a little over a month and had just about gotten used to that way of life. I had already nearly forgot little things about being American. While on the base, we got to go to the commisary, which had a grocery store, an AMERICAN grocery store. As we walked up and down the WIDE aisles, with what seemed like thousands of choices, we were simply amazed. Not only did we have TONS of choices, we could actually READ the labels. And to top it off, everyhting was so much cheaper than what we were used to finding in our busy neighborhood of Shibuya. As we kept squealing like little kids, finally one of my friends just said, "Jesus is better, Jesus is better, Jesus is better..." and we started laughing. It was pretty funny that he was convincing himself that Jesus was better than those biscuits, but we ALL started saying that, semijokingly.

A few months later, those words still echo in my ear. You see, there are some cool things happening in my life, all due to the grace of Christ. The world, however, tells me that I should be looking for a husband. In fact, I want a husband. It's no lie and there's no shame in me admitting that. I would love to get married one day (hopefully before I'm old), however, I know that this guy better see me as a daughter of a King, as a servant of the King. Therefore, why waste my time on someone who I don't see myself serving with?

It's a topic that is brought up all the time with many of my friends and I. And we all have what we're looking for in a guy. I'm learning to keep my heart extremely guarded. I could not be happier doing what I'm doing right now, and I know if I settled at this very second, I would be miserable. My life is consumed with serving my beautiful Creator, and I don't want it any other way.

Does this mean that I have this whole thing figured out? No Way! But I'm learning to live by faith, and not by sight.

When I see myself being distracted by guys, or by any other thing for that matter, I think back to being a silly person on that airforce base and remind myself, Jesus is better. Serving Him is better. It's like the Circleslide song says, my reward is to hear Him one day tell me that I did well here on this Earth. Jesus is better.

How about a picture or three?

Picture Descriptions:

1) With the amazing Audrey who was my missionary mentor for the summer. I miss her and love her soooo much. We were in the mountains for our retreat, and it was beautiful!
2) This is how we celebrated the 4th of July in Japan. :) Leon is an incredible friend who is a leader on his campus in Tokyo, Audrey(again), and of course the beautiful Amanda B. We had such a fun night that night. :)
3) This is Bethany and I. We were in Fussa here, which is where the airforce base was. She is wonderful. How I miss her.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hello there world

Okay, so I admit. I was horrible at blogging over the summer. It got complicated, kept loosing passwords, blah blah blah so I didn't do many real updates. However, the summer was absolutely incredible and I journaled SO much about it on paper, so maybe one day we'll catch up on here about my Tokyo adventures.

There have been many times lately that I have felt the urge just to blog, but I've been a little lazy. SO, I'm going to try to get better at this.

I was just reading my original "blog" aka XANGA for the first time in SO long. It's crazy to see how different I am. And its hard to believe that I started that thing almost 5 years ago. I was reading about my mom's struggle with cancer and how I blogged about it on there. I praise God that my mom has been in remission for a few years now and that we just celebrated her birthday. Yes, I'm very grateful for her in my life.

I also see how much I've grown, especially after going to Germany in 2006. My worldview changed drastically. I also noticed that I blogged about how I had no idea what I was doing with my life. And when you're a junior in high school, that's scary because everyone's getting ready for college so it's the thing to do.

I jumped on the bandwagon and wound up at DBU for a year. I figured the answers would lie there. However, a year later I find myself sitting in class at Richland Community College. And I couldn't be happier. I have learned that pursuing my heavenly Father is so much greater than doing what I think is the norm for me to be doing.

God keeps teaching me so much in my whirlwind of life. I'll blog about that someday, maybe.

It seems like this season of my life is full of dreams coming true. It's strange to me, however, that many of these dreams all developed over the last 2 years. From having my own American dreams shattered with brokeness for the nations, to chasing obedience above anything despite what people tell me is the "right and sensible" thing to do. I'm learning how beautiful my Savior is every day.

This blog is completely random, I know, but it is a start. A start into consistent blogging because I want the world to see how beautiful my Jesus is.

How about a random picture or two?

Picture 1-I think I posted a picture of this precious kid before, but this is a new pic I discovered that my friend Bethany took. What a wonderful day that was, back in May. :)

Picture 2) My friend Manami and I went to the Ueno zoo(where the famous panda ling ling lived before she died)-we bought stuffed animals and named them Ginza and Hibby. Mine is a snow leopard and she gets her name from the Ginza line on the Tokyo subway system-its the line I always took to meet Manami. Hers is the orangutan and his name is short for the Hibiya line, which she always took to meet me. I love her. Every Saturday was my off day, soooo we always went on fun adventures. :)

Okay later my loves.