Saturday, February 28, 2009

He is for me.

I know that You are for me.
I know that You will never forsake me in my weakness.

-Kari Jobe

At work I've been playing around with all the CDs and listening to random stuff but there is a CD I keep ending up hear played OVER and OVER. And I can't seem to get annoyed or sick of it. On Kari Jobe's CD she has a song called You are For Me.

I am so grateful that my Savior will not forsake me in my weakness. The weakness of feeling beat up and discouraged. He is beautiful.

Philippians 3:14

Thursday, February 12, 2009


My heart continues to be captivated by my Creator.

Thank you Father for the lessons you've been teaching me. You are so good.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


We are so busy fighting over which music is right, which is wrong. Sometimes we think that we are different and we have "figured out" what works. We are the better followers because we know how to do things right. We claim we know what will keep people tuned in, what won't. So busy fighting over who is more spiritual and who knows more theology. Hating our brothers and sisters because they don't do enough for us and spoon feed us when we demand it. Too busy being angry at the preacher because he doesn't do enough for our friends. SO caught up in being a certain denomination and forget it about the relationship that changed our lives.

People on the outside see this. And do cartwheels down the wrong way as we watch in our complacency because inviting them to the building was supposed to "fix" them.

In a word, there are three things
that last forever: faith, hope, and love;
but the greatest of them all is love. 1 Cor. 13

It's as if we've forgotten the True Love that first loved us, and we react by throwing compassion and grace towards others out the window.

John 8.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Lovin' Life

Friday (or should I say Saturday morning) night at 2 A.M. Damaris and I were waiting for my car to heat up at Auschwitz(commonly known as her apartment building). We were talking about how much we miss Nashville, our friends there, and just wanted to get away but there was no way with our school/work schedules.

But my friends, where there is a will, there is a way, yes?

Saturday night I got off work at 8:30 and we were on the road at 10 in a massive Yukon with 6 other crazy friends, bringing the total to 8.

We rolled into Franklin around 10:00 AM Sunday and left around 8:30. Now, I'm back in Texas, getting ready for class.

That's right. Basically a 30 hour trip to Nashville. Love it.