So, I have been here for a few days now and this place definitely is in need of prayer. I am grateful for that fact that Father was here before I got here and that he will be here after we leave. We have made some good contacts and I have been able to share the message of hope several times.
The picture of the street with the hotel really grabbed my heart. It is an area full of love hotels, which is where many people go to in order to have quick one night stands and such. Many girls here put their worth in love from strangers and often end up in these places. Pr that they will put their hope in Father and realize they are worth so much more. It's considered a part of their culture, so please pr that that aspect will be removed. My heart really broke for them, so pr that Father will use that passion to reach them in special ways.
A few quick stories:
Sunday, I pr'd specifically that I would get to do some "dieharding" and use music as a form of ministry. Later that day we were doing 5 Minute English and I was able to talk about music with people. It was awesome. Also, I met some girls in a band who like to read love stories. They want to hear about my favorite love story, so we're going to get together and hopefully get in the Word.
This morning we went to the temples here and the spiritual oppression could definitely be flet. The enemy has a stronghold in this area. The other day a volunteer team left to go back to the USA 2 days early as a result of the spiritual warfare being too much. We have several teams staying there this summer, so please pr that they will have endurance.
After we went to the temples, we did 5 minute English and were asked to stop by the police. We did. But God's work did not. People were coming at us from every direction and we were able to share Truth with so many people. It was amazing to see how he sent more people to us and they kept striking up conversations with us.
Please pr for the people here and the darkness that is so strong here. I thank Father that I do not have to clap to wake him up and toss coins to make him hear me. He is truly a rock and the light of my salvation.
Thanks for everything.